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Post Info TOPIC: will it never end??


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Date: Dec 11, 2005
will it never end??

 Shishio was  thrown out of a village in a rainy day all beaten up. Some villagers were on the entrance of the village glaring at her with weapons in their hands. "never come to this village again dark one!" a villager screamed at her. Shishio just kept looking at the floor but standed up and walked towards the forest with a sad look. The villagers stayed in the netrance just in case. 'when will it end my lord,when??' Shishio thought.



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Date: Dec 11, 2005

Can I join as Sango? I don't have a made-up character...



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Date: Dec 11, 2005

yeah if you have a bio done for her of course you can^^



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Date: Dec 11, 2005

I do! Should we start first or wait for more people to come?



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Date: Dec 12, 2005

If you don't want to wait, I can start...

Inuyasha and company were all running around, searching for shelter, while on their search for shikon shards. Darn! I forgot to bring umbrellas for everybody else. if I did, everybody wouldn't be running around being wet. Kagome thought regretfully. Fortunately, they were rather near a village. Inuyasha and co. stopped for a while in the rain, witnessing what had apparently been some kind of outcasting of a lone figure. There were shouts of fear, anger and even disgust coming from the villagers. The lone figure, whom was apparently a girl, judging by her hair length and stature, with well...amazing black leathery wings sprouting out from her back. Kirara, whom Sango had noticed, had grown into her bigger form and was growling at that figure. From the way she walked, it was apparent that she was sad and used to it. Kagome felt great pity for that lone figure and ran over to her, and held out a hand to her, "Do you need help?" She smiled friendlily. Inuyasha and co. went along with Kagome, standing behind her.



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Date: Dec 12, 2005

ooc: we should start^^

Shishio turn around and looked at the girl. She looked at girl's hand and took it. "Thanks." Shishio said with a little smile. "who are you?" Shishio asked when she notice the small group.



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Date: Dec 13, 2005

( OOC: Ok. ^_^ )

Kagome smiled as she helped the girl up, "Hi, I'm Kagome, Inuyasha," She motioned to the silver-haired,dog hanyou folding his arms, "Sango," the said person waved and smiled at her, a little warily, not as easily trusting as Kagome,"Miro- Hey, where did he go?". The latter had grasped the girl's hands and asked her, his violet eyes staring into her emerald eyes, "Dear beautiful lady, my name is Miroku. Would you bear my child?" A huge boomerang which Sango was carrying went hurtling on to his head. Miroku merely continued smiling. "Or nevermind that." Kagome continued, with a disdained look on her face, "That's Miroku then, as you just met, Shippo," The cute kitsune waved happily to her as he stood on Kagome's shoulder, "Kirara," The fiery twin-tailed neko demon had stopped growling at her, and was looking at her warily, distrustful of her, but since Kagome trusted her, she wasn't as wary anymore, "And Myounga-jiji." A small tiny flea demon popped out for a moment from Inuyasha's hair, then hid back again. "We should go find a place for shelter first, then you could introduce yourself to us." Kagome smiled warmly at her, then hurriedly ran on to find a place.



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Date: Dec 14, 2005


Shisho look at them when tehy left. "nice meeting you!" Shishio yelled waving. She put her arm down and look at them until they dissapear into the darkness. She first hid her wings inside of her painfully then went into the forest to get into the hut she built just in case the villagers kicked her out. 'and I am happy that I did.' Shishio thought. She arrived and got inside were their was a warm fire she started before she left. She took off her bag and sat next to the fire warming up her hands. Thunder started to come but it didn't scare her but sh look outside her window to see a figure coming towards her hut.



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Date: Dec 15, 2005

Umm, sorry for the confusion. I didn't really mean that Kagome and the others left by themselves, I meant that everybody left, including you, umm, Shishio.



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Date: Dec 15, 2005

oh okay then



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Date: Dec 16, 2005

"So..." Kagome asked awkwardly,standing by the side, "Do you mind if we join in with you? We don't really have a place to go, and it's really pouring awfully..."



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Date: Dec 16, 2005

Shishio smiled and nodded. "of course." Shishio said and ope the curtain door to them



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Date: Dec 17, 2005

( We are the only ones roleplaying...*sigh* )

"Thank you," Kagome smiled gratefully, as Inuyasha and the others walked inside the small but cosy place. "So..." Kagome smiled to Shishio as she warmed herself by the fire, "What's your name, and why did the villagers chase you out of their villager?" Kagome asked curiously. "I mean, if you want to tell us, that is..." She added on, as she saw the pained expression flit across Shishio's face. "If you don't want to, I mean, it's alright..." She stuttered on awkwardly, afraid that she had offended her new friend.



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Date: Dec 19, 2005

"don't worry about it Kagome,I will tell you, you see, I am a dark angel sorceress but also a half breed so everyone is afraid of me those who think that are the humans or that I am a weakling those who think that are the angels so they start treating me like trash." Shishio said gently with sad eyes. "I have notice that Inuyasha is a half demon is he not?" Shishio asked looking at Inuyasha, staring at his ears.

(ooc: I know,we should start telling people to join us? what do you think??) 



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Date: Dec 20, 2005

Inuyasha scowled, at the mention of his heritage. His look softened, though, as his gaze laid on Kagome. "Yeah." He said gruffly. "Don't mind him, Inuyasha's just like that.." Kagome smiled at Shishio. "You know...with somebody like you on our side, it would be a great help...Can you help us?" Kagome asked, while shivering a little. Inuyasha noticed this, and gruffly gave her his fire haori coat. Sango and Miroku smiled at them knowingly, as Sango fended off another "But my dear Sango, I was merely trying to keep your butt warm!" attempt from the pervert. Shippo had already curled up with Kirara, around the fire, asleep.



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Date: Dec 20, 2005

Shishio smiled. "Yeah I know, I can understand since we are the same,so what do you want help with?" Shishio asked while grabbing a blanket herself and gave one to Inuyasha,Sango,Miroku,and Shippo to shair with Kilala and one for herself.  



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Date: Dec 21, 2005

"Thank you, Shishio." Everybody smiled at her gratefully. Kagome yawned, slightly. "I'm sorry, but I'm kinda tired. Maybe you could ask another one of us? Watch out for Miroku though, he's a bit of a pervert." The said person rushed to her side, grinned charmingly, "Somebody say my name? Dear lovely Shishio-" A certain someone glared at his back, as he grabbed hold of her hand, "I am Miroku, and would you bear my child?"  



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Date: Dec 21, 2005

Shishio notice the girl called Sango getting pissed off. "umm..sorry Miroku but I got to decline and if you touch me again I am going to kill you,know if you excuse me I am going to talk to your friend." Shishio said sweetly too sweetly and went towards Sango and seat down infront of her. "Sango can you tell me what does your group need of me?" Shishio asked with a smile.



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Date: Dec 22, 2005

Sango looked at her surprised, glad that she understood. "Oh, hi! Houshi-sama's a big perv, ignore him." After that, the girls clicked together, chatting throughout the night, while Kagome smiled happily for them, while her head lolled on Inuyasha's shoulder. If Inuyasha noticed that, he gave no signs of outward displeasure. In fact, there was even a ghost of a smile! With some suspicious colouring on both of their faces... Miroku curled up behind Sango, as if savouring her warmth. After a while, in the night, the two girls were a little tired, and went to sleep. Unbeknownst to them, a presense watched Shishio meaningfully,but did not attack any of them. ( This presense, you can choose to do whatevr you want with it, maybe you want it to be Sesshy, ( The canon couple is Sess/Kagura, but nevermind that. This is fictional anyway. By the way, Kagura died in the end. )  Kouga, Naraku, or whoever you wish. ^_^)   



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Date: Dec 22, 2005

<ooh I want it to be Sesshy please! lol>

Shishio giggled when She herd Sango talk about Miroku. "yeah don't worry about it." Shishio answered. She couldn't believe she finally made some friends! Shishio notice that everyone was sleeping peacefully so she sat close to the fire watching it dance but never notice someone was watching her.



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Date: Dec 23, 2005

( Lol, I would too. ^_^)

The mysterious presense crept around silently, then into a bush, closer to the newcomer. He was curious, about her. She had a lovely scent and intrigued him, somehow. He had no idea what it was, but it was intriguing him, and Sesshomaru-sama always finds out things. As he crept out closer though, he noticed something. She had black, leathery wings that gleamed in the moonlight. The light caught on them drew his breath, and he gasped, surprised to find one of them here.



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Date: Dec 23, 2005


Shishio sence someone and went outside the hut. She grabbed her shadow sword and got into her position. "who goes!" Shishio said not loud enough to wake her new friends



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Date: Dec 24, 2005

He stepped out of the darkness of the forest shading him. The light caught in his silver hair and amber eyes, making him glow with an etheral warmth. His deep voice filled the silence, "I am Lord Sesshomaru. Who is this I'm talking to?"  



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Date: Dec 24, 2005

Shishio nodded and lowered her sword a little but never let her guard down. "my name is Shishio, what takes you to this parts Lord Sesshoumaru?" Shishio asked and holded her gasp when Sesshoumaru came out.



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Date: Dec 25, 2005

( Umm, just making this sure first. The lord in your original post... Is it refering to Sesshomaru? )

"This Sesshomaru-sama smelled somebody different travelling with my filth of a brother. He wishes to find out why." He stated, in his baritone and monotonous voice.  



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Date: Dec 25, 2005


Shishio looked at him. "that may be me mi'lord." Shishio said and heard a noise coming from inside the hut but then it quiet down. Shishio turn her head to look at the window and she thankfully smiled a little when she saw them all asleep.



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Date: Dec 27, 2005

( You know the part where you say in your first post, "When will it end my lord, when?" Is that refering to Sesshomaru? )

"Yes. And now this Sesshomaru-sama also wished to find out why." He cocked an eyebrow.


( Thanks for reminding me, Shishio! I forgot about that... )

Inside the hut, Inuyasha growled in his deep of the throat. He had smelled Sesshomaru, his bastard of a brother, coming from a while ago. However, he did not wish to wake up the others since well... A certain girl was snoring cutely on his shoulder. An interesting tint of colour spread over his cheeks. In fact, he felt a little feverish too. However, he was curious as to why he had not attacked yet. He gently laid Kagome on to her sleeping bag, something which was not seen in him usually. He brought Shippo and Kirara into Kagome's bag too, knowing that they usually slept together. Kagome murmured a little in protest of the sudden lost of warmth, then turned on to sleep. Sango and Miroku, despite her annoyance, Miroku had somehow cuddled up together with her, most likely he had crept over there while she was sleeping. Inuyasah crept out silently, brought out his sword, and was ready to do battle.  



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Date: Dec 27, 2005

<nope she was refering to god you know and your welcome!^^>

Shishio looked back at him and smiled a little. "they wish for my help on something that Kagome has jet to explain." Shishio said gently. She turn around quickly and notice Inuyasha in ther doorway with his sword out ready to battle. "Is something wrong Inuyasha?" Shishio asked with a suprise expression.



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Date: Dec 28, 2005

( Ohh... ^_^ )

Inuyasha growled. "Step away from him," He spat out the word viciously. Sesshomaru stepped stoically in front of Shishio, as if protecting her, and drew out his sword. (what's the name again? The other sword, not the healing one) Kagome stepped out groggily, and rubbed her eyes. "Inuyasha? What's going on?" Then she spotted Sesshomaru and her eyes widened as if somebody had splashed cold water on her. "Oh my...Shishio, you better come over here." Kagome hurriedly ran into the small camp. A minute later, Kagome, Shippo, Sango, Miroku ( A "twap" was heard then, and every male in the camp winced, except for Sesshomaru, who kept his stoical expression. ) and Kirara in big form had rushed out of the camp, in their full fighting outfit, with their weapons.



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Date: Dec 28, 2005

<lol ermm I think its called tokajin or something like that>

Shishio looked at Inuyasha with a confused look but then notice that Sesshoumaru was standing infront of her like..'if he is trying to protect me' Shishio whispered in her head. Shishio notice the others and nodded to Kagome and run towards her to stand besides her. "whats going on Kagome?" Shishio asked know looking at Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha ready to fight.

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