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Post Info TOPIC: The Mystery of the Dragon Claw


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Posts: 10
Date: Dec 9, 2005
The Mystery of the Dragon Claw

Darkness crept into the forest, as a young girl ran through the trees, sweat glistened down her face, as her heart raced with her legs. Mussels acing from the strain of running for so long, but the girl didn’t stop, only kept running. Dark blue gray eyes shined in the full moons gentle light, something blue shined brightly around her neck, as her dark blonde hair stuck to her face as she ran, her breathing staggered from lack of air, her cloths ripped, and muddy. But something else was in this forest, it moved faster than the eye could see, it was a black blur to all, not even the gentle moons light seemed to be able to catch it in, it’s light. The girl kept running when she heard the footsteps quicken behind her, she moved her legs faster and faster not looking where she was going. She tripped over a root that reached out and grabbed her, just as the other plants did to keep her down; she screamed and managed to pull away from her captors. She started running again, before entering a clearing, where the moon shined down all around her, giving her no known place to run or go. The thing that was following her seemed to have settled in the darkness of the forest, as it watched the young girl from the shadows. Its acid green eyes piercing, the darkness as it stalked her. The girl panted as she tried to think of a way out, but knew none, to escape the hunter who chased her from her home. The girl clinched the necklace that shined even brighter once in the full moons light. The hunter didn’t move from its spot as it just watched waiting for the time to come. The girl looked around nervously and scared, before speaking," I know you’re out there!!.........." Her voice trembling Her eyes flashed around before specking again, "what do you want!!" she yelled into the darkness, still clinching the necklace around her neck, as it shined through her hand, but she didn’t see its beautiful glow. The hunter moved from his spot and came into the light a little bit but not enough to show him complete. He did not answer only stared at the girl with his acid colored eyes. Time seemed to move slowly around the two, the wind barley came into the area as it pushed the man’s dark cloak away from his body showing no weapons, only more black cloths. The girl moved back some but soon found that the man had started to walk towards her before stopping, her eyes looked into the mans face she didn’t know this man but for some reason he looked all to familiar to her. The man only managed to say one word. But before he could say more, arrows flew into the area, making the girl scream, as they trapped her. She looked over towards where the man was, but found that he some how managed to escape leaving nothing behind. As more figures came out of the shadows and ran towards her shouting. "Alexia!.........Are you alright?" but thoughts words never seemed to reach her as her vision darkened and her now limp body fell to earth, only one word remained in her mind and that was the mans name "Kalib"

8 Months Later

A busy village bustled with life, as people came and went. Farmers working out in their crops, as their wives did their dally chores, the children playing, or helping their parents, in the days task. This village was different from the others that occupied the lands, because it was one of Slayers, thoughts who kill creatures that threaten villages. A girl in a black cloak walked through the village, twin black katana's resting on her back in their sheaths, as she walked, no one seemed to care about the girls presence in tell the sun's raises hit her, making an object around her neck glow blue in the light. Then a voice came from within the busily of the village. "Alexia...Alexia!!" a man about the same age as the girl known as Alexia, she pulled down her hood to look at the man. Her eyes where still the dark blue gray color, but her once, radiant dark blonde hair was cut short, to about her shoulders but pulled back into a pony tail, "what is it, Val?” The man named Val, but his full name was Valence Night, he was the village’s leader son, and Alexia's most trusted friend. Val looked at her and pulled out a scroll, which had the seal that belonged to a Kingdom that was, many walks away from the village. "They ask you, to help them with a creature problem, clearly they don’t believe that you are a female, that is also the most well trained fighter in this mean the Chief has asked me to tell you, so that you can prepare". While Val was talking, Alexia was busy reading the scroll, she nodded her head, and handed it back to him, "well its not time for the month hunt in the forest, so I guess it will be a good practice, ill go get ready and leave at first light tomorrow" Alexia then started to walk away before Val, grabbed her wrist "just be careful alright, I don’t want you getting hurt............." Alexia just chuckled and smiled and patted his arm "don’t worry Val...........that was 8 months ago, and besides I’m much better of a fighter than I was then, ill be fine" Val nodded and released her wrist, and bowed. "Ill get your stallion ready for your trip" Alexia nodded and turned and left, her friend as he did also, and headed for the stables, where Alexia's black stallion Spirit Fox stayed. Alexia sighed once she reached her hut, and started packing the things she needed. "Now lets see I need?" she rummaged through her stuff, to gather her things. The one major idem that she made sure was there, was the dragon claw blue diamond that hung around her neck, was still in its place "cant ever forget you..............for your the reason why I travel" she clinched it as the memory of the man named Kalib came to her, he seemed so familiar. "Maybe ill find him again..............but then again I may not" As Alexia got her things together, the sun started to sink into the mountains and the moon rose to take the suns mightily place. Alexia sat onto of a hill watching the moon, like she did when she was little. A rustle in the bushes got her on edged; as she drew her katana’s and got ready for a fight. But only a black falcon came out. Alexia just laughed and sighed, "you are such a feather head, you dumb bird" the falcon only ruffled its feathers and flew off, as she sheathed her swords, and went back to her hut. But thanks to the birds disturbance it, caused a figure to disappear back into the shadows, the flash of green seen, before disappearing.

The Next Morning

Alexia woke up; way before the suns first light came into the sky. She stood up from her bed, and stepped onto the cold wooden floor, darkness filing the hut, in tell she reached over to a candle and lit it. Light from the candle poured off it, giving the hut less of a creepy feeling. Alexia stretched out her mussels as she tried to fully awake from her sleep. She walked over to the fire place, and started a fire to warm up the hut, and to give more light, and prepare a breakfast that she problem won’t have for many days. As the sun slowly started to rise, the light from within Alexia's hut vanished, as she walked out; dressed in a black cloak, a dark green sleeveless shirt, camouflage pants, and black combat boots. The dragon claw necklace hung around her neck; the blue jowl that the claw clinched shined some in the suns weak raise, as it awoke from its long sleep. Alexia only carried her two twin katana’s on her back while, the rest of her things, she held over her shoulder, as she walked to the stables, the sound of the grass crunching under her boots, as she walked, the dew from the new day soaking into her cloak as she walked. As she walked though village slowly came alive, farmers leaving their homes and families to go out into the crops, women doing their daily chores, as they waited for their children to awake. Alexia smiled at some of the villagers as she walked, but as she walked up to the stables to great her horse Spirit Fox. She sensed something close, as it was hidden in the shadows, but just as she was about to go see what it was, the feeling vanished, Alexia glared into the darkness of the forest, but soon she forgot about it, as her dear friend Spirit Fox stomped his hoof onto the ground, and flipping his long black main. Alexia looked around into the shadows for a moment longer, before walking back over to her black stallion. Alexia rubbed his head between his eyes, and spoke softly “we have a long travel for us my friend; I hope you will get us there safely”. Her horse nodded as she put the saddle onto his back, and lashed it, around and under his belly. She then took her small bag that she uses on all her trips and lashed it to the saddle before bring Spirit Fox out of the stables. The sound of grass crunched under their feet as they walked through the village, to get to the gates that kept the people behind it safe from harm. Alexia grabbed the horn to the saddle and swung her leg over her horses back, and grabbed the reins tight. The sound of metal was heard as the gates slowly moved open, the wood moaned, before coming quite as the doors were fully open. The vast new world lay in front of the two. Lush green valleys and dangers mountains greeted Alexia’s eyes, as she looked back her home, for one last look, for she knew not that, once she left, her life would be forever changed. Alexia took a deep breath, of the new air, and jammed her heels into Spirit’s sides making him rise onto his hind legs and jolt off into the vast new lands. The wind made both horse and riders hair whip around, dust flying into the wind, from the fast moving feet of the black stallion, the village of Alexia’s home disappearing into the forest as they rode farther into their new lives, not knowing what was about to come. As the day grew, and the sun started to set under the lonely mountains, both rider and horse were tired, and were now walking beside one another, in an unknown land that, nether knew of. Soon yells filed the night air, Alexia ran towards the voices, her running barley heard, as she ran swiftly over the ground, keeping close to the shadows, of the trees to remain unknown. What she saw almost made her blood boil on the spot, for in front of her, were slave traders, holding a man down who was bleeding baldly from the beatings he had received. Alexia just kept watching, in tell she heard a whip crack and a horse yell, realizing that was hers she ran back to see the slaver traders, trying to catch him. She just walked up to them and punched one man to the ground, giving him a bloody nose “Back away from my horse!!” the men just laughed, their looks were more unpleasing then what she could imagine, they where dressed in old and rusty looking samurai outfits. One was bald, and the rest had long hair pulled back into ponytails. Soon the men were around her, one grabbing her arms and pinning them behind her back “what you think boys?” the bald one stated as he walked over to Alexia and grabbing her by the chin and looking her over “would she make a fine pleasure slave” all the men laughed, but didn’t realize the very deadly glare in her eyes. The men just laughed as one tried to feel her up, but instead ended up on the ground in the beetle position, she then took her legs and did a back flip and slamming the one who held in her the gut, before standing up “if you think I will ever do that, then I suggest you just bend down and let me take your head”, the men were just laughing, their unclean faces turning red with laughter not knowing that, they were picking a fight with a deadly hunter. Just as they thought she was making it up they reached for her, with gnarled hands. Alexia grabbed her katana’s and held them to their necks “you leave and live, or stay and die……………you choose” the men saw she had skill but didn’t want to loss to a women, especially one that looked like a young teenager. Alexia eyes became hard as ice, as they refused to do this the easy way. She then was snapped out of her thoughts when a hand law on her butt. Her katana’s falling to her sides, her eyes hidden under her long bangs; Alexia’s gripe on the hilt of her swords tightened her knuckles turning white. Just as the men thought that she had given they where sadly mistaken. She took one of her swords and cut the man who was touching her arm clean off not even leaving a stub of his arm left, “I warned you, now you all die!!” her voice dripped with venom, as one by one she attacked them, cutting ether their legs, arms, lower or upper body, and even the head clean from them. Once the slave traders where put into their place, she sheathed her sword and moved over to the man who lay badly injured. Alexia gently moved him onto his back and called Spirit over to her, and pulled down the bad that carried their things. Opening the bag and looking at the very few contents that where held safely in its weathered form, she pulled free the medical herbs and bandages. It took about 3 hours before Alexia finished treating the man who was in a deep sleep from being beaten so badly. Hours passed and it was already night fall before the young man awoke, thinking to be in a cage he sat up quickly but soon Alexia’s hand rested on his shoulder “you are safe, now rest, or your wounds will never heal” the man’s eyes grew wide to see a women and none the less had taken down the slavers when a man could not. Once she saw him settle back into a more relaxed state, she began cleaning her swords from the blood that was on them. The man watched, but his eyes soon came to the necklace around her neck and his eyes grew wide “what is your name?” his husky voice stopping her from her task “its Alexia, and anything else you’ll have to gain my trust before getting” he nodded and took a deep breath “your not from around here, because its common to see slave traders out here, and what they do to them” She stopped once again and set her swords aside “no I’m not from around here, I come from a hidden village that you will get no name nor location, even if you do gain my trust, I will never put my people in danger"



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Posts: 161
Date: Jan 4, 2006

You should copy and paste this on the other board so more people can read it. No one really posts on this board.

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